St. Nicholas

Orthodox Christian Church

Billings, Montana


We are a Christian church in Billings, Montana and are part of the canonical Orthodox Church in America.

We gather here to become, to make, and to grow disciples of Jesus Christ by announcing His love for you, and by inviting you into communion with Him through repentance. This can be experienced in worship and the context of community so, in addition to the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings, we hold several midweek services as well.


401 Lewis Ave. | Billings, Montana 59101 • (406) 254-1194

 Learn more about us here at Saint Nicholas »

Upcoming Services:

Sat/Sun: Oct 19, Vespers @ 5:30 pm/Oct 20, Hours @ 8:40 am, Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 am

Wed/Thu: Oct 23, Vespers @ 5:30 pm/Oct 24, Hours @ 5:50 am, Divine Liturgy @ 6:00 am

Sat/Sun: Oct 26, Vespers @ 5:30 pm/Oct 27, Hours @ 8:40 am, Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 am

Wed/Thu: Oct 30, Vespers @ 5:30 pm/Oct 31, Hours @ 5:50 am, Divine Liturgy @ 6:00 am

Sat/Sun: Nov 2, Vespers @ 5:30 pm/Nov 3, Hours @ 8:40 am, Divine Liturgy @ 9:00 am


Regular Service Schedule (outside of Great Lent):

Saturday; Great Vespers @ 5:30pm

Sunday; 3rd and 6th Hour @ 8:40am, Divine Liturgy @ 9:00am

Midweek Services*

Vespers @ 5:30pm / Divine Liturgy @ 6:00am

(*Midweek Services are typically offered Wednesday evening / Thursday morning, but will often change days due to celebrations of certain Feasts.  Please call to confirm.)

What is the Orthodox Church?

"The Orthodox Christian Church is evangelical, but not Protestant.
It is orthodox, but not Jewish. It is catholic, but not Roman.
It is not denominational, it is pre-denominational.
It has believed, taught, preserved, defended, and died for the
Faith of the Apostles since the Day of Pentecost nearly 2,000 years ago."


"Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." (Matt. 11:28)

Orthodox Christian Worship

“The Liturgy is the Heart of the Orthodox Christian experience, the place where one meets the Lord and learns to abide and live with Him. Not only this; it is through the Liturgy that one finds and works out one’s salvation. In the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church, we find the Mind of the Church, which is the Mind of Christ. Through regular participation in the cycle of services throughout the year, and the Holy Mysteries, we absorb and acquire this Mind and make it our own, enabling us to learn how not only to think, but also how to understand the world, God, ourselves, and each other. We must never see the Liturgy and the liturgical life of the Church as something extra. It is through the grace that we receive at each Liturgy that we are enabled to enter eternity, and are empowered to escape corruption, sin, and death, because what we offered and receive is nothing other than the Life of God Himself.”                                                                                 Acquiring the Mind of Christ” by Archimandrite Sergius Bowyer, pg.2, STM Press 2015.

Our Hierarchs & Clergy


His Beatitude, Tikhon

Archbishop of Washington D.C.
Metropolitan of All America & Canada

Archbishop ?? San Francisco, CA   2015 All America Council Orthodox Church in America

His Eminence, Benjamin

Archbishop of San Francisco
& The Diocese of the West


Reverend Moses Hibbard

at Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church

Our Life in Christ

In addition the corporate prayer and services of the Church, it is imperative for every striving Orthodox Christian to maintain a life of prayer.

"Prayer is infinite creation, far superior to any form of art or science. Through prayer we enter into communion with Him that was before all worlds... Prayer is an act of supreme wisdom, of all-surpassing beauty and virtue. Prayer is delight for the spirit."

~St. Sophrony, On Prayer, pg. 9

Join Us

The Priest prays at the end of every Divine Liturgy; "O Lord, Who bless those who bless you, and sanctify those who have put their trust in you: save your people and bless your inheritance; protect the fullness of your Church; sanctify those who love the beauty of your house; glorify them in return by your divine power, and do not forsake us who hope in you. Give peace to your world, to your churches, to the priests, to our rulers, to the armed forces, and to all your people.


For every good gift and every perfect gift is coming from above, from you, the Father of lights, and to you we give glory, thanksgiving and worship, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and to the ages of ages. Amen."

This prayer expresses the purpose of Orthodox spiritual life. If it speaks to your heart and purpose, we invite you to join us in glorifying God in Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.